Head Office: Unit 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217
Head Office: Suite 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217
Dwyer Law Group is a No Win, No Fee law firm offering representation and legal advice for damages and compensation claims in Queensland and Northern NSW.
Workers’ compensation may be available if you’ve suffered an accident in the workplace. Our experienced liability lawyers can assess your case to determine your compensation entitlements.
When a person or organisation is the reason for your loss and damages due to their negligence, you may have the right to file a public liability claim against them. Our public liability lawyers can support you throughout the compensation process.
If your doctor, pharmacist, dentist or other health professional has mistreated you or misdiagnosed your condition, you may be able to make a claim. Talk to our medical negligence lawyers in Queensland for more information.
Our motor vehicle accident lawyers can assist in making claims when you have suffered loss and damages due to someone else’s negligence leading to a motor vehicle accident.
Ask us about our No Win No Fee terms for approved clients, just call
07 5538 2766 today!
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Contact Info
07 5538 2766
Head Office:
Unit 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217