Head Office: Unit 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217
Head Office: Suite 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217
Becoming involved in a workplace dispute can be stressful and it’s important to know your legal rights. An unfair work contract, discrimination issues and workers compensation are eligible cases of where you have been denied your rights at the workplace. We aim to help you enforce your rights, obtain fair compensation quickly and settle workplace disputes. We try to do this quickly with as little costly litigation as possible. If you’re not sure of your rights, how much you should be paid, or other important issues, talk to the team at Dwyer Law.
Our unfair dismissal lawyers can advise on any dispute between companies and their employees, and can help with handling unfair dismissal claims on the Gold Coast and surrounds. We have extensive experience in all aspects of workplace disputes, discrimination and industrial law, including the Occupational Health & Safety Act, the Industrial Relations Act, the Workplace Relations Act and the Fair Work Act. Jeff and the team provide a range of services and advice to assist workers with their legal issues.
We understand that legal talk can be complicated. Get plain English legal advice from our lawyers in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. We can help you understand your situation and advise on the best way to handle your damages and compensation claim.
Ask us about our No Win No Fee terms for approved clients, just call
07 5538 2766 today!
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07 5538 2766
Head Office:
Unit 7/ 37 Bundall Rd Bundall, QLD 4217